Pre-Conference Workshops

PreConference Workshops (PCWs) are integral parts of ISCHE conferences. They are small focused meetings that take place the day before the main ISCHE conference. They are intended to provoke intellectual discussion, among a diverse range of participants, on a specific topic. PCWs may also consist of workshops discussing critical issues, methods, theories emerging in the field.

For further information on how to propose a PCW, please see the ISCHE Byelaws.



ISCHE 43 will host three pre-conference workshops:

a.) From sources to new issues in the history of education in Africa
b.) Transnational Media Archeology of Education: IT Technologies, Teaching and Learning
c.) Challenging Stagnant Hope: Educational Ecology, Public History and University-Community Engagement in the History of Education


From sources to new issues in the history of education in Africa 

This workshop intends to encourage dialogue between historians engaged in researching education in Africa. In order to do so, we suggest a reflection on the sources of the history of education in Africa and on the perspectives they provide for research and teaching. In particular, we would like to attend to the specificity of these sources and to ask how they can help us to shed new light on certain major issues within the history of education.

Sources et enjeux de l’histoire de l’éducation en Afrique 

Cet atelier cherche à mettre en dialogue l’ensemble des historiens et historiennes de l’éducation s’intéressant au continent africain. Pour cela, il propose une réflexion sur les sources de l’histoire de l’éducation en Afrique, et sur les perspectives qu’elles ouvrent pour la recherche et pour l’enseignement. Il s’agit en particulier de questionner la spécificité – réelle ou supposée – de ces sources, et d’interroger la manière dont elles peuvent permettre d’appréhender sous un nouveau jour certains grands enjeux de l’histoire de l’éducation.

Convenors/ Organisateurs:
Pierre Guidi,
Ellen Vea Rosnes,
Pieter Verstraete,
Florence Wenzek,

Read More: cfp_pcw_ISCHE_Africa


Transnational Media Archeology of Education: IT Technologies, Teaching and Learning

In this workshop, we would like to start with a core ontological question: What do we mean by ‘computer’ and ‘computer education’? When pursuing these basic questions two key issues come into focus: (1) how and when has an object of technological innovation become an “educational technology”; (2) how can we describe this transformation process, especially in terms of adaptation and transfers – which pioneers, followers, and late-followers can we identify. We will work in groups, targeting the following aspects of computers, education and computer education: new materialities, discourses, networks and institutional background.

Lajos Somogyvári – Hungary, University of Pannonia
Krishna Kanta Roy – India, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune
Barbara Hof – Switzerland, University of Zurich

Read more: pcw-Transnational Media Archeology of Education-IT Technologies, Teaching and Learning ISCHE 43


Challenging Stagnant Hope: Educational Ecology, Public History and University-Community Engagement in the History of Education

Date: Tuesday 30 August 2022
Timeframe: 10:00–16:00

Convenors: Angelo Van Gorp (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany); Eulàlia Collelldemont and Núria Padrós (University of Vic, Spain); Inês Félix and Björn Norlin (Umeå University, Sweden); Ian Grosvenor (University of Birmingham, UK); Frederik Herman (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland); Ana Paz (University of Lisbon, Portugal).

This workshop focuses on the history of the steel town Gary, Indiana. Once a symbol of educational progressivism and urban-industrial America, Gary is today the most segregated city in the United States and ….

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ISCHE 42 Pre-Conference Workshops – Örebro, Sweden,
postponed to June 11, 2021

Creating, Using and Publishing Research Data and digital Collections in the History of Education

Call for Contributions


ISCHE 41 Pre-Conference Workshops – Oporto, Portugal. July 2019

Who ‘speaks ’ and for whom? Approaches to (and along) working with autobiographical Materials in History of Education Research

Convened by Karen Lillie (UCL Institute of Education), Lisbeth Matzer (a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School), Lilli Riettiens (University of Cologne)



ISCHE 40 Pre-Conference Workshops – Berlin, Germany. August 2018

Funding Mass Education: Models, Debates and Policies in an International Perspective (1800-2000)  
Convened by Clémence Cardon-Quint (University of Bordeaux), Damiano Matasci (University of Lausanne) and Johannes Westberg (Örebro University).

Picture archives and the emergence of Visual History of Education
Convened by Sabine Reh, Stefanie Kollmann, Lars Müller (Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF, Berlin), Tijs van Ruiten, Jacques Dane (National Onderwijsmuseum Dordrecht, Netherlands).

Shifting the frame of ‘femininity’: fluidity in the history of women’s education
Convened by Tim Allender (University of Sidney) and Stephanie Spencer (University of Winchester). CALL FOR PAPERS available here (open until May 30, 2018).


ISCHE 39 Pre-Conference Workshops – Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 2017

The Visual and History Practice in the Digital Age
Convened by Tim Allender (University of Sydney, Australia),  Inés Dussel (CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico), Ian Grosvenor (University of Birmingham, UK) and Karin Priem (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, Luxembourg)

Archives and museums about the history of education with a view to emancipatory processes
Convened by María Cristina Menezes (UNICAMP, Brasil), Lucia Martinez Moctezuma (UAEM, Méjico) and María Cristina Linares (UNLu, Argentina)

Education, aesthetics and visual culture: images in the production of sensitivity
Convened by Eduardo Galak (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina) and María Silvia Serra (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)


ISCHE 38 Pre-Conference Workshops – Chicago, USA. August 2016

Merit | Achievement as a Paradigm – Discourse and Practices in a Historical Perspective
Convened by Kathrin Berdelmann (Research Library of the History of Education, Berlin, Germany) and Sabine Reh (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany), and Noah W Sobe (Loyola University Chicago, USA

Migrants, Migration and Education
Convened by Kevin Myers (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom), Christian Ydesen (University of Aalborg, Denmark), and Paul Ramsey (Eastern Michigan University, USA)


ISCHE 37 Pre-Conference Workshops – Istanbul, Turkey. June 2015

The Concept of the Transnational
Convened by Eugenia Roldán Vera (CINVESTAV, Mexico) and Eckhardt Fuchs (Georg Eckert Institute, Germany)


ISCHE 36 Pre-Conference Workshops – London, UK. July 2014

Project Cartography
Convened by Rita Hofstetter (University of Geneva), Emmanuelle Picard (ENS Lyon) and Eckhardt Fuchs (Georg Eckert Institute, Germany)